We live in a world where pretty much everything we do is online. Does anyone even leave the house anymore?
Yes, they do.
When you’re trying to promote and advertise, you need to remember this. We have now entered a world of AI. The images you see and the voices you hear might not be authentic.
It’s more important than ever to reach people where they are- in the real world.
Don’t forget ‘old school’ promotion of your business or event:
*Flyers: If you are selling tickets at the door, flyers are still very useful to get those last minute attendees. Many businesses have a place for flyers. Or, if you ask, you might be able to put your flyer in a window or a more prominent location in their establishment. **Bonus: Offer to give them free entry or even a shout-out on social (remember to tag them)
*Radio: If corporate radio is too expensive, try to find indie stations/college stations. They might fit your demographic better anyway, and have a more loyal following that appreciates local support.

It takes effort. it takes time. It takes consistency. But if you want to build those relationships and get more eyes on your work, people in your store, bodies at your show, you have to go beyond social media. There are no algorithms to fight with old-school marketing. Always have purpose and intention in who you want to reach and why.