Talking about your business or industry should be easy, right? After all, you work in it every day. You are on top of the latest and greatest, you are always looking for ways to become more of an innovator and an authority. Yet, when you sit down in front of you computer so you can create some posts on your social media platforms, the wall rises and blocks you.
Why can’t I find anything to post about? Trust me, it’s not that you can’t find anything. The internet is an endless source of information at just the touch of a Google search. You just need some motivation and ways to find your information in a way that is easier than simply running to Google. Don’t get me wrong, Google search is extremely helpful, and I’ll explain more in a moment. Allow me to share the tools I personally use to find content each month for client social media as well as my own.
1. Feedly. This is the number one place I go for content, because I curated the sites I follow. You create your own categories, which is very helpful if you are managing multiple clients and need to find content for many different industries. If you have never used a platform such as this before, it’s very easy. Most if not all websites have an rss feed, and you do not have to know what that is in order to add your favorite sites and blogs to Feedly.
A great way to start adding sites to Feedly is to look at where you go to browse the internet. What websites and blogs do you read each day, either through their sites or even as you browse Facebook and Twitter? Those are the sites you can begin with. Then as you come across other great places for content, add them to your Feedly.
2. Flipboard. This site is used much the same way as Feedly, and in some ways it is a bit easier to maneuver. What I like most about Flipboard is you can add your own social media accounts to it and do all of your browsing in one place.
3. Google Alerts. This is where you can have Google search work for you instantly. Add your search terms to the “create an alert about” box, then decide how often and what email address to deliver alerts to, and you’re finished! Alerts will automatically be emailed to you. Then you just have to go through the email and see if anything catches your eye. One thing to keep in mind is making sure your alerts are very specific. If you are too vague, you are going to receive an email with alot of junk articles that offer nothing. For instance, instead of “news”, set up an alert saying “Arizona business news.” Setting up alerts for names of top people in your industry is a great way to get specific information as well.
4. Social Media. Not to be forgotten, there is a mountain of information to be found in your social media feeds, if you stay aware of what you’re looking for as you’re scrolling. Facebook has an excellent save feature that I take advantage of all the time.
5. Your own content. I’m going to assume your business has a website. Many options for content right in your own pages. Employee spotlights, about the business, testimonials, even your own blog (like I am doing in writing this!)- all is potential content.
Between all of these places, I get more than enough information to create content for months on end. Using curation sites, Google alerts, and social media will surely help you get over that wall and on to the fun part: Sharing and having conversations with others about what you find!